
Denmark flag

Sponsors of the Danish flag are Bill Tuttle and Caitlin Pereira. Thank you!

The land of Jante and hygge

It is said that the way the Danish society works nowadays is in a great extent based on the Law of Jante, 10 rules that basically says that no one should believe that he/she is special or better compared the rest of the community and that everyone should show humility. Janteloven has many supporters claiming that the Danish society is among the best in the world because of these principles, as well as opponents who believe that because of these principles Danes are characterized by homogeneity.

Many claim that the Danish monarchy is the oldest continuous monarchy in Europe and the fourth oldest worldwide, with Japan being the first. According to historical evidence, the Kingdom of Denmark was formed in the 10th century by Harald Bluetooth, who was the country’s first king. Nowadays, Queen Margrethe II is the head of the Danish Royal Family.

The Danish concept of hygge has become internationally known, and nowadays more than 700 books have been published all over the world on the subject. Hygge can’t be exactly translated in other languages, but it’s about finding the real meaning of life and being cozy and relaxed, surrounded by your beloved ones. It seems like many people around the world want to reach the Danish version of happiness and therefore the concept of hygge has become a commercial success worldwide, and hundreds of items, garments, and delicacies that are supposed to bring hygge into people’s lives are sold.

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